Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies - Sic

Logo Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies In the year 2003 the “Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communication” of Graz University of Technology has established the “Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies SIC”, aiming at encouraging independent scientific research, development as well as teaching and knowledge transfer in the fields of applied information processing, communication and information security. The funding activities of Stiftung SIC are limited to Styria and include, for example, awarding scholarships and prizes or the sponsoring of relevant events. In addition, SIC carries out independent research in the areas of information security, cryptography, PKI and digital signatures.

SIC finances its charitable activities primarily through the sale of its JavaTM crypto software (

With decades of experience in implementing cryptographic algorithms and protocols, in the PREPARED project Stiftung SIC is responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the post-quantum cryptography provider, which is essential for the demonstration of post-quantum secure PDF signatures and the eID infrastructure. Furthermore, SIC will contribute in integrating the PQ provider into the demonstrators.